Monday, 3 December 2018

It was just so jolly popular...

The prego roll with chilli sauce
Agdervanic Caterers, the caterers at The Old Edwardian Society, always listens to the will of the membership.

It is therefore not surprising that the Caterers have again listened to the members' request to repeat last week's special as the specilal for 3 to 7 December 2018.

The ever popular special is a Prego Roll with Chips and Salad. The 120 gram steak is complimented  by the chilli sauce which lovingly smothers the steak.

Added by a desert of ice-cream that follows the prego roll, the meal is well worth  the amount of
The ice-cream.
R70.00 as charged for such  meal.

Of course the special does not attract the 10% discount that is generously given by Agdervanic to all Old Edwardian Society members on meals and beverages.

All those attending the Society's AGM on 3 December 2018 (starting at 18H00) are welcome to indulge themselves.